Edited by Itzhak Gilboa
July 22-24, 1998
Evanston, Illinois
An Architecture for Heterogeneous Reasoning [PDF]
Jon Barwise
Toward Software Synthesis for Distributed Applications [PDF]
Aleta Ricciardi and Paul Grisham
Knowledge and the Logic of Local Propositiom [PDF]
Kai Engelhardt, Ron van der Meyden, and Yoram Moses
The Logic of Public Announcements and Common Knowledge and Private Suspicions [PDF]
Alexandru Batlag, Lawrence S. Moss, and Slawomir Solecki
Intra-Agent Modality and Noumonotonic Epistemic Logic [PDF]
Richmond H. Thomason
Simulative Inference About Nonmonotonic Reasoners [PDF]
Aaron N. Kaplan
Hypothetical Knowledge and Counteffactual Reasoning [PDF]
Joseph Y. Halpern
Using Counteffactuals in Knowledge-Based Programming [PDF]
Joseph E Halpern and Yoram Moses
The Learning Power of Belief Revision [PDF]
Kevin Z Kelly
A Modal Logic of Information Change [PDF]
Joeri Engelfriet and Yde Venema
Characterizing the Common Prior Assumption [PDF]
Joseph Y. Halpern
Understanding Common Priors under Incomplete Information [PDF]
Giacomo Bonanno and Klaus Nehring
Nonstandard Numbers for Qualitative Decision Making [PDF]
Daniel Lehmann
The Modal Logic of Probability [PDF]
Aviad Heifetz and Philippe Mongin
Games and Conditionals [PDF]
Horacio Arlo-Costa and Cristina Bicchieri
Belief Revision and Rationalizability [PDF]
Oliver J. Board
Conditional, Hierarchical, Multi-Agent Preferences [PDF]
Piero La Mura and Yoav Shoham
Beating a Finite Automaton in the Big Match [PDF]
Lance Fortnow and Peter Kimmel
Logic and Choice [PDF]
Hans Rott
Evaluating Options in a Context [PDF]
John F. Horty and Martha E. Pollack
Quantified Befiefs and Believed Quantities [PDF]
Dov Samet (Invited Talk)
Interaction Games: A Unified Analysis of Incomplete Information and Local Interaction [PDF]
Stephen Morris
Distributed Games [PDF]
Dov Monderer and Moshe Tennenholtz
Ambiguity Made Precise: A Comparative Foundation [PDF]
Paolo Ghirardato and Massimo Marinacci