Proceedings of TARK V (1994)

Edited by Ronald Fagin


March 13-16, 1994

Pacific Grove, California


Knowledge, Action, and Ability in the Situation Calculus (Invited Talk) [PDF]

Hector Z Levesque



On the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision  [PDF]

Adnan Darwiche and Judea Pearl



Backwards Forward Induction [PDF]

Gian Aldo Antonelli and Cristina Bicchieri



A Knowledge-Based Framework for Belief Change, Part I: Foundations  [PDF]

Nir Friedman and Joseph Y. Halpem



Information Acquisition from Multi-agent Resources  [PDF]

Zhisheng Huang and Peter van Erode Boas



Consistent Belief Reasoning in the Presence of Inconsistency  [PDF]

Jimin Lin



Infmitary Epistemic Logic  [PDF]

Aviad Heifetz



An Epistemic Logic of Situations [PDF]

Paul F. Syverson



Actual Truth, Possible Knowledge [PDF]

Wlodek Rabinowicz and Krister Segerberg



Infinitely Many Resolutions of Hempers Paradox [PDF]

Kevin B. Korb



Rationality in the Centipede (Invited Talk) [PDF]

Ken Binmore



Revising Knowledge: a Hierarehieal Approach [PDF]

Stephen Morris



Case-Based Decision Theory and Knowledge Representation [PDF]

Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler


An Axiomatic Approach to the Logical Onmiscience Problem [PDF]

Barton L. Lipman


Autoepistemie Logic and Introspective Circumsedption [PDF]

Michael Gelfona[ Fladimir Lifschit~ Halina Przymusinska and Grigori Schwarz


Knowledge as a Tool in Motion Planning and Uncertainty [PDF]

Ronin L Brafman, Jean-Claude Latombe, Yoram Moses, and Yoav Shoham


Common Knowledge and Update in Finite Environments I [PDF]

Ron van der Meyden


An Epistemic Proof System for Parallel Processes [PDF]

M. van Hulst and J.-J.Ch.Meyer


Algorithmic Knowledge [PDF]

Joseph Y. Halpem, Yoram moses, and Moshe Y. Vardi


Knowledge and the ordering of Events in Distributed Systems [PDF]

Paul J. Krasucki and R. Ramanujam


Inductive Learning, Knowledge Asymmetries and Convention [PDF]

Peter Vanderschraaf


Coherent Belief Revision in Games [PDF]

Debra J. Holt


Belief Revision in a Changing Wolrd [PDF]

Robert Koons and Nicholas Asher