Edited by Ron van der Meyden
July 10-12, 2005
Games in system design and verification [PDF]
Thomas A. Henzinger
Individual error, group error, and the value of information [PDF]
Itai Sher
Order independence and rationalizability [PDF]
Krzysztof R. Apt
Efficiency in negotiation: complexity and costly bargaining [Short
Jihong Lee, Hamid Sabourian
Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and nash equilibrium [Extended
Sergiu Hart, Andreu Mas-Colell
Logical omniscience and common knowledge: WHAT do we know and what do WE know? [PDF]
Rohit Parikh
Interactive unawareness revisited [PDF]
Joseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo
Complexity results for logics of local reasoning and inconsistent belief [PDF]
Martin Allen
Semantics for multi-agent only knowing [Extended
Arild Waaler, Bjørnar Solhaug
Harsanyi type spaces with knowledge operators [PDF]
Martin Meier
Understanding human strategies for change: an empirical study [PDF]
Alankar Karol, Mary-Anne Williams
Decisions under subjective information [PDF]
Jack Stecher
Exponential communication inefficiency of demand queries [PDF]
Noam Nisan, Ilya Segal
The communication cost of selfishness: ex post implementation [PDF]
Ronald Fadel, Ilya Segal
Inductive inference as ampliative and non monotonic reasoning [PDF]
Isaac Levi
Aggregating partially ordered preferences: impossibility and possibility results [PDF]
Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, Kristen Brent Venable, Toby Walsh
Unconditional privacy in social choice [PDF]
Felix Brandt, Tuomas Sandholm
Deciding knowledge properties of security protocols [PDF]
R. Ramanujam, S. P. Suresh
Continuous consensus via common knowledge [PDF]
Tal Mizrahi, Yoram Moses
Common knowledge in update logics [PDF]
Johan van Benthem, Jan van Eijck, Barteld Kooi
First-order classical modal logic: applications in logics of knowledge and probability [PDF]
Horacio Arló-Costa, Eric Pacuit
On epistemic logic with justification [PDF]
Sergei Artemov, Elena Nogina