Edited by Aviad Heifetz
July 6-8, 2009
Stanford, California
Designing markets: economics, computer science and the real world
Susan Athey (invited paper)
Origins of epistemics
Adam Brandenburger (invited paper)
Considerations on the logic of intention
Yoav Shoham (invited paper)
Common knowledge in interaction structures
Krzysztof R. Apt, Andreas Witzel, Jonathan A. Zvesper
Logical omniscience as a computational complexity problem
Sergei Artemov, Roman Kuznets
BMS revisited
Guillaume Aucher
Limit knowledge of rationality
Christian W. Bach, Jeremie Cabessa
Group belief dynamics under iterated revision: fixed points and cycles of joint upgrades
Alexandru Baltag, Sonja Smets
Contractual traps
Ying-Ju Chen, Xiaojian Zhao
Deriving epistemic conclusions from agent architecture
Stephen Chong, Ron van der Meyden
Generalized inquisitive logic: completeness via intuitionistic Kripke models
Ivano Ciardelli, Floris Roelofsen
Knowledge, proof and the Knower
Walter Dean, Hidenori Kurokawa
Agreement theorems in dynamic-epistemic logic
Cedric Degremont, Olivier Roy
A computational theory of awareness and decision making
Nikhil R. Devanur, Lance Fortnow
On distance rationalizability of some voting rules
Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Arkadii Slinko
The shield that never was: societies with single-peaked preferences are more open to manipulation and control
Piotr Faliszewski, Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Jörg Rothe
Program equilibria and discounted computation time
Lance Fortnow
The context of the game
Amanda Friedenberg, Martin Meier
Syntactic foundations for unawareness of theorems
Spyros Galanis
A logical characterization of iterated admissibility
Joseph Y. Halpern, Rafael Pass
An epistemic characterization of zero knowledge
Joseph Y. Halpern, Rafael Pass, Vasumathi Raman
Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness revisited
Joseph Y. Halpern, Leandro C. Rêgo
K-SNCC: group deviations in subsidized non-cooperative computing
Andrey Klinger, Moshe Tennenholtz
Projective expected utility: a subjective formulation
Pierfrancesco La Mura
Foundations of non-commutative probability theory
Daniel Lehmann
Rationality and the speed of decision-making
Michael Mandler
On interdependence of secrets in collaboration networks
Sara Miner More, Pavel Naumov
Dynamic restriction of choices: a preliminary logical report
Soumya Paul, R. Ramanujam, Sunil Simon
Evidence elimination in multi-agent justification logic
Bryan Renne
A logic of propositional control for truthful implementations
Nicolas Troquard, Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
Solutions of strategic games under common belief of sure-thing principle
Michael Trost
Verifying epistemic protocols under common knowledge
Yanjing Wang, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy, Jan van Eijck